Have the courage to be happy at work.
Some people do not allow themselves to be cheery, relaxed and happy at work. They presume that their lightheartedness will be misconstrued as satisfaction with the current reality and that they lack the drive to excel in a demanding environment.
But happiness is derived from when progress is made towards a worthwhile goal. When we progress or achieve our personal goals, goals that we truly value, we feel happiness.
I saw the CEO of a major multinational being interviewed recently. She seemed happy. Her happiness was derived from her company’s progress on the goals she had set.
Being happy at work is the mark of someone who is successfully making progress towards their personal and work goals. Happiness is the sign of someone who is highly motivated.
The key to this type of happiness is to have clear goals for what you want to achieve and enjoy at work and outside of work. Achieve goals are goals we need to spend time working on. Enjoy goals are goals we want to spend more time doing. It is progress towards these goals that results in happiness.
My happiness tips are
- Write down your goals
- Look at them every day
- Think big, aim for goals that are profound, noble and admirable
- Be disciplined and assertive about achieving your goals
- Every action you make that is not aligned with achieving your goals is a distraction.
- Visualise what your ideal life looks like
- Push yourself outside of your comfort zone
As you progress on your goals, dare to be happy at work, it is the sign of a successful person who is making progress at achieving their life goals.