Personal Lean for 2021

For many years, I have advised teams of engineers and scientists on how to adopt lean thinking to improve processes and systems. Recently I have been reflecting on how I can use lean practices at a personal level to make me more effective at achieving my own personal and professional…

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Data overload

I often hear companies complain that they have an overload of data. They complain that they have more data than they can process. My exploration of the Readiness of Irish Manufacturing for Industry 4.0 determined that the primary focus area of Industry 4.0 in Irish manufacturing was the area of…

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Are you managing your metrics?

Many of us have key performance indicators, (KPI’s), that are used to measure our and our team’s success. During my career, I have observed senior managers apply tremendous pressure to people to try to achieve KPI targets. The pressure was often intense, with some managers adopting browbeating behaviours that were…

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Performance Reviews

It is approaching that most wonderful time of the year; the end of year performance review. Millions of people over the world are desperately trying to remember their achievements, elicit their strengths and confess their opportunities for improvement. I have had thirty-five end of year performance reviews, and I did…

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Lean, slow it down

During my 36 year career, I have come across some senior managers who have attempted to create a sense of urgency around expectations but failed. They failed, as they lacked the ability to make a personal connection with their employees and to share their confidence and vision in an energetic…

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Successful project management

The following is my examination of what a culture for successful project management looks like. Organisations can create a culture that promotes project success through a process of employee role clarification, training and empowerment. Larson and Gray, in their seminal book on project management, defined ten cultural traits to be…

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Industry 4.0 pocket guide.

The following is an extract from my pocket guide to Industry 4.0. My pocket guide to Industry 4.0 mini-book is given free to everyone who attends one of my Industry 4.0 courses.   Introduction The first three industrial revolutions spanned almost 200 years. The first industrial revolution began in the…

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Transformational leaders

 I have been thinking about transformational leadership and how rare this type of leadership is. Transformational leaders are leaders that can be characterised by their charismatic and inspirational nature, demonstrating an ability to connect with individuals and create excitement about intellectual challenges in an organisations future. A transformational leader produces…

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